Focus Your Energy for 2022

Dec 25, 2021

I hope this note finds you well and full of good food and cheer. I am.  And, as I have been the last couple weeks, I am thinking of where to focus my energy in the new year. 

I am reminded of a book I read a couple years ago, The Art of Possibility: Transforming Your Professional and Personal Life by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander.  It is a book about creativity and full of great personal stories that are entertaining and inspiring.  Ben Zander is the delightful Musical Director of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra and Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra. But it was in his teaching role at the New England Conservatory of Music that he decided to try an experiment with his students. He found them to have such a high state of anxiety over the measurement of their performance that they were reluctant to takes risks. He decided to do away with the A-F grade standards and give everyone an “A” right from the start.  For this “A”,  they had to write a “Dear Mr. Zander, I got my A because…” letter, and had to describe, in as much detail as possible, how they came to achieve this extraordinary grade during the past year and the person they have become.  He hoped to elevate their limiting beliefs from “I am average so I will get an average grade”, to “I am extraordinary, and this is why."  The letters he received were full of musical and personal empowerment and set the tone for a focused mindset of growth throughout the year.

Here is my version; a letter to my future self, written now but in past tense, about the year 2022.  The letter will go in a place to open one year from now, on New Year’s Day 2023. Here are some prompts I will consider:


Dear (self),

2022 was a great year!

I became aware of ___________.

I acquired new skills like ______.

This is how I did it_______.  

I started a new routine that allowed me to _____________. 

I now know ___________

I now feel __________.  

I can’t wait for 2023!



If you'd like to write a letter to your future self or future artist self, I'd be happy to save it and send it back to you on 12/31/22. Just email me with your letter!